General Sessions, Breakouts, Forums ~ More Details Coming!

Unique Motivation for Unique Students

Sean Ardoin - Kreole Rock and Soul Artist & Educator

We bring the streets of New Orleans into the hotel and on stage with Sean Ardoin, our conference opener.

Sean will be entertaining us with kreole rock and soul and then getting down to business as he shares his unique program that challenges students and educators to be more than just spectators in the learning process.

Hear his secret to connecting with kids and serving educators, Cajun style!

The Convergence of Ecosystems, Emerging Demographics and Higher Education

Jim Fong - Director, University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA)

Growth industries have been historically built off the strengths of a country’s citizens and its education system. Over the past two decades, the U.S. has been fueled by a shift to a service and high tech economy, in conjunction with the growth of the Internet and mobile technologies. Higher education was able to serve as a catalyst for much of this growth, but new economy is quicker and more creative and potentially becoming less dependent on colleges and universities. Advances in technologies, such as robotics and artificial intelligence coupled with a distinctly different demographic will force higher education to adapt in new and challenging ways. This session examines the convergence of many market forces to better prepare the credit union leader with the new needs of higher education and its new student, the iGeneration.

MARKET SIGNALS: What The Financial Markets Are Telling Us Now?

Peter Ricchiuti - Business Professor at Tulane University

The economy is inherently cyclical. While these cycles don’t necessarily repeat themselves, they usually rhyme. “The financial markets often foretell what’s ahead for the economy. This can illuminate opportunities and serve as valuable storm warnings for business leaders. A lot of this runs counter to what people are commonly hearing in the media. Attendees will learn the outlook for the deficit and interest rates; the outlook for energy prices; what to expect from politics moving forward and how all this impacts their credit union.

While in New Orleans we have invited Tulane University’s Peter Ricchiuti (Ri-Chooty) back once again! From Jackson Hole to Jupiter, Peter has addressed more than 1100 groups around the world. He has been featured in BARRON’S, Kiplinger’s, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. He also hosts a popular weekly business show on National Public Radio in New Orleans called “Out To Lunch.”

Internet of Things - Your Next Security Breach

Jim Stickley - CEO Stickely on Security

In this session Stickley will discuss new ways in which criminals are targeting organizations beyond normal desktop attacks. With a shift in focus to IoT devices, this session will highlight risks that until now have been overlooked by most organizations. As usual, Stickley with demonstrate real world examples, showing how everyday products in your home and office are providing criminals new opportunities to compromise not only IoT devices but also employee PC's as well. Attendees of this session will see the future of hacking before it makes main stream media and learn important information to help protect against these coming attacks.

Jim Stickley is a cybersecurity expert with over 20 years in the industry. He is a published author and a frequent guest on NBC’s Today Show. Stickley can be seen throughout the United States and other countries where he speaks at corporate events and security related conferences.

How Ongoing Education Happens at BECU

Debbie Wege - Cooperative Community Advocate, BECU

In 1935, new employees for The Boeing Company were required to purchase their own tools before they could start work. This was the height of the Great Depression. Finding money to buy tools was an insurmountable burden for many prospective employees. A Boeing employee, William Dodge, read an article in Readers Digest about the difference that credit unions were making across the world. Inspired, Dodge got a group of Boeing employees to talk about starting their own credit union. That was then; today BECU is over 1 million members and assets tipping $18 billion. Here to tell the BECU success strategy is Debbie Wege, Cooperative Community Advocate. Debbie highlights for attendees BECU's education and community programs and discusses how school and university credit unions are well positioned to leverage relationships with educators, students and the community to drive growth.

Create Your Own Flight Plan ~ Closing Keynote

Dave Sanderson - Inspirational survivor, speaker and author

When US Airways Flight 1549, or “The Miracle on the Hudson” ditched into the Hudson River on January 15, 2009, Dave Sanderson not only survived the “crash” but also started to realize that the moments that made up his life prepared him for what was about to happen. In this stirring presentation, Sanderson reveals the inner strength it took to make it through the day, and how you can grow from challenges throughout your personal and business life and how resiliency, leadership, and state management can help you not only overcome any obstacle but grow and thrive!

Round Tables, Forums, Networking

School & University Credit Unions - Discuss Issues that Matter

  • University & College Credit Union Forum

  • K-12 School Credit Union Forum

  • Education CU Directors Forum

  • Continue the Conversation by Asset Size

  • CEO Networking Lunch

  • VP Networking Lunch

  • Directors / Volunteer Networking Lunch

  • Networking Reception with Exhibitors

Breakouts Best Practices, programs and hot topics ~ more detail coming soon!

Reality Fairs - Educators Credit Union Shares Their Success

Educators Credit Union in Wisconsin has been offering a Reality Check Day program to local schools for over a decade. The program attempts to simulate adulthood so high school students becoming adults will understand the concept of planning a budget and paying for the cost of living. To better simulate today's digital lifestyles, Educators is implementing a new Reality Check Day app with the hopes of offering an even more realistic and relatable experience students can truly learn from. This session will provide insight on what the program is all about, best practices and a quick demo of the new Reality Day application.

Creative Connection with the Bursar's Office

Jon Reske of UMassFive College FCU showcases an interesting and creative partnership with the college bursar's office. Jon shares with fellow university credit unions the background, how it idea originated, the structure and details of this new program and success thus far.

Breakout Sessions Featuring ...

Pre-Conference Sessions - Presented by Louisiana Credit Union League

Education Credit Union Peer-to-Peer Analysis - New for 2019!!

Susie Fair, CCUE, CMS, Senior Vice President of Credit Union Support

Expect an informative and lively discussion that examines education niche credit unions across the nation and how we stack up against the broader population. Utilizing the powerful financial analysis software for credit unions, Susie presents Callahan & Associates' Peer-to-Peer assessment and analysis for education credit unions, conference credit unions and individual assessments for each credit union. Susie will facilitate an engaging discussion with CEO's, management and financial minded volunteers to explore areas of strength and opportunities unique to our credit unions serving schools, universities, and those with the strategic focus of education.

Pre-Conference Sessions: Director's Essentials

The conference gets started early Monday with essentials for new volunteers and for all directors to meet NCUA’s annual requirements. Attend one or both sessions; receive a certificate of attendance and completion after the conference!

Financial Literacy for Directors & Volunteers

Danielle Thibodeux - AVP Louisiana Credit Union League

Get the knowledge you need to understand your credit union’s financial condition and satisfy NCUA Regulation 701.4 (b)(3). You will learn about the credit union’s financial statements, along with the basics knowledge of key ratios, profit and capital, trend analysis, risk management, and asset/liability management.

Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) Compliance Training for Volunteers

Examiners are looking for this training…volunteers need to be familiar with BSA requirements. Attendees will walk through an overview and historical background of BSA and learn the specifics every board must actively keep up with, such as BSA policy, risk assessment, ongoing training, and Suspicious Activity Report filings.

ECUC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

ECUC offers 13 CPE credits in Business Management and Organization for the 46th Annual ECUC Conference in New Orleans. No advance preparation is required. For more information regarding administrative policies, such as complaint and refund, please contact ECUC at (855) 888-5851 or For those interested in applying for CPE for this conference please register at the time of conference registration. For more information visit or email at